If you followed me on Twitter today, you got a sense of just how frustrating and worthless going to Walmart at 5 A.M. proved to be. I went to a Walmart that caters more to tourists visiting Orlando, while one of my reporters went to a Walmart near the University of Central Florida. We both arrived about 4:30 A.M. and the stores were packed and chaotic. The store I visited had only one pallet with Mack Transporters. The toy department manager called me a few days ago and told me that he got Oversized Cars, but when I arrived he said he didn't get them. My reporter visiting the other store found two pallets, one with Mack Transporters and one with new singles such as Chief RPM, Tank Coat Pitty and Impound Boost (Chase). The toy department manager at that store called a few days ago to tell me that he got Oversized Cars, but when my reporter arrived he told her he couldn't find them. All I got was the Tank Coat Pitty and Chief RPM, as that was all my reporter was able to find. It was quite a disappointing waste of our time!
Earlier at midnight, I went to KB Toys and they had absolutely nothing! Once I left Walmart, I went to Toys R Us and again found absolutely nothing! Cars are one of the hottest toy lines in the world and where the hell is the supply?! Just a month until Christmas, and the busiest shopping day of the year is void of supply!! Whoever is to blame, Mattel or the store buyers, get your act together! You are losing millions by not meeting the high demand around the globe. You are not creating demand if the lack of supply is actually purposely calculated to "Keep People Hungry!" You are angering your customers.
I finally went home and went to bed. I woke to find a voice mail from the toy department manager of the Walmart I went to. He told me he found four cases of the Oversized and told me to come back to get them if I wanted some. I ended up with Barney Stormin', Lightning Storm McQueen, and Al-Oft the Blimp. The infuriating thing was he put out a second pallet hours after I left with the large talking Mack Transporter, Launchers, and New Single Packs. The Single Packs were picked over and I got nothing else. He told me he saw that two more Cars pallets were coming in any day now. So, who knows what they'll be and when they'll come in.
I left Walmart about 1:30 P.M. and headed to my last useless stop, a different Toys R Us location. Again, nothing new at all! Five different stores and literally nothing to buy! I was told the same happened with a friend in the Austin, Texas area. Taking a look at the collecting community, I found that the same disappointment held true across the country. I don't know what brilliant managers made the poor decisions that led to thousands of collectors coming up empty today, but they should be fired. This running around to store, after store, after store, has gotten beyond OLD! People are getting fed up! There is far more to life, than chasing around Cars toys that aren't available.
If Walmart and Mattel want to do something for their image, they should make damn sure there is plenty of supply of the Haulers and the Newest Singles available SOON! People are over the fact that Sarge hasn't been re-released, that they can't find the Oversized Cars, and that they are Cases behind the latest releases! The supply has never met the demand since the line started in June of 2006! I won't even discuss MattyCollector! Au Revoir for tonight!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Black Friday Had Many Collectors Seeing Red
Posted by
orlandog ken
8:24 PM
Labels: Black Friday, Cars, Cars Haulers, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mack Transporter, Mattel, MattyCollector.com, New Releases, Oversized Pixar Cars, Pixar, Pixar Chase Cars, Walmart, Walmart Pallets
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Last Minute Walmart News For Black Friday
So, are you thankful for your health? How about someone who loves you? Maybe the freedoms you enjoy by living in the United States! Don't forget what Thanksgiving is really about, and the sacrifices that have been made for over 232 years to give them to you.
I have some last minute news about Black Friday at Walmart. I got a call today from another toy department manager who's on the ball. He told me he was going to have 36 (only 6 cases) of the Oversized Cars Die Cast Toys. They will sell for $5.00 starting at 5:00 A.M. on Friday morning. He also told me he got in the new Mack Transporters with Nitro Ade, Bob Cutlass, and the Newly released Bumper Save. He said he got quite a few in, and doesn't expect them to be gone as fast as the Oversized. They will sell for $10.00, again starting at 5:00 A.M on Friday morning. He didn't see a single thing about the Haulers, he couldn't tell me anything about a pallet at his store and essentially told me that was that!
Black Friday can bring out some Monsters, so just keep your cool, have a list with you, and just take it easy. It is only stuff! Be courteous to others and all will go well! For those of you who'd like to follow me as I arrive at Walmart and take in Black Friday, I'll use Twitter to do LIVE Updates from the insanity as I did for the Kmart Cars Event. Visit Twitter.com and sign-up for free, then you can follow me under my name of orlandogken. I'll give you real time updates on what I find, how crazy it is at Walmart, if anything unexpected is released, and advice as it makes sense. Good luck with your quest for the latest Cars die cast toys, and drive safely!
Posted by
orlandog ken
12:30 AM
Labels: Black Friday, Bumper Save, Cars, Cars Haulers, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mack Transporter, Mattel, Oversized Pixar Cars, Pixar, Twitter, Walmart, Walmart Pallets
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - International Collectors Will Be Happy
Thanksgiving is tomorrow in the United States. I thought I'd write for all of you International Collectors today! I've been told that your issues about getting product will be addressed next year through MattyCollector.com I can't tell you exactly what you'll supposedly be able to buy because it hasn't been totally confirmed. I'll tell you that if Mattel does what they've told me, that you'll be happy! I'd expect to see some developments later in the summer. Matty has been sitting dormant and will hopefully be awakened by then.
Posted by
orlandog ken
11:30 AM
Labels: Cars, Cars Fans, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, MattyCollector.com, New Releases, Pixar
Monday, November 24, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - The Walmart Pallets
I got a call today from one of my Walmart toy department managers, and was told he saw three Cars pallets coming. He couldn't tell me anything more about the contents or expected date they'd be in. He and I discussed things about Black Friday and surmise they may be for the big sale. We discussed what time I should arrive and what to expect. He promised to call me and fill me in as soon as he knows anything further. Therefore, all I can do for now, is to promise I'll fill you in as soon as I know anything of importance. Until then, keep thinking of that delicious turkey, stuffing, gravy and pie that you'll eat on Thursday!
Posted by
orlandog ken
2:48 PM
Labels: Black Friday, Cars, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, New Releases, Pixar, Walmart, Walmart Pallets
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Tokyo Drift May Be A Lead In To Cars 2 The Global Race
I told you I heard how incredible Mater's Tall Tales "Tokyo Drift" turned out! It may be the last interstitial, and a very important one. It may give us a clue as to a bridge between Cars and Cars 2! I heard it was a much longer Cars Toons episode at approximately five to six minutes long. This is twice as long as the first three. I was told it is the best of "Mater's Tall Tales!" I also heard it has dialogue that may indicate John Lasseter is using this as the bridge to "The Global Race" by taking us to Japan!
With this intriguing info, let me tell you a bit more...the die cast toys from "Rescue Squad Mater," "Mater The Greater," "El Materdor," and "Tokyo Drift" are expected to be part of the "MAINLINE." They are expected to start showing up in the summer next year. I've also heard we MAY see a NEW Collector Guide with Dragon Lightning McQueen (He's in Tokyo Drift), similar to the recently released Collector Guide with Night Vision Lightning McQueen! Yes, I wish I had pics of Tokyo Drift! For now, enjoy the news. Once I can post pictures, you can be sure I'll happily share them!
Posted by
orlandog ken
11:22 PM
Labels: Cars, Cars 2, Cars Collector Guide, Cars Toons, Diecast Toys, Disney, El Materdor, Mater The Greater, Mater's Tall Tales, Mattel, Pixar, Pixar Chase Cars, Pixar Movies, Rescue Squad Mater, Tokyo Drift
Friday, November 21, 2008
People have been going nuts for weeks looking for some rumored pallet at Walmart, new Race O Rama cases that have been misglued, Oversized Cars that have been hardly seen, and they are frustrated to say the least! Well, here's what I advise you to do...Spend a peaceful, happy Thanksgiving with friends, family or whoever matters in your life. Sleep in, catch some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, eat delicious home cooked food, watch the Lions game, go out and play some tag football to work off all that chow, come back in and eat some more, watch a great DVD like Wall•E, then hit the sack early. Tommorrow you have to get up at 4:00 A.M. and head off to Walmart for "BLACK FRIDAY!"
At 5:00 A.M. the shopping will begin!! The shopping Zombies will attack the stores by the millions! You have to be ready to deal with them. As many of you probably know, Walmart is advertising the Oversized die cast toys. I'll speculate that you'll find many of the single Cars you've been looking for lately, and maybe you'll be lucky and find some of the Haulers! I wouldn't sweat things for the next week, because frankly, I don't think you'll find anything until Black Friday anyway. I'd just relax for the next week and see what happens on the 28th. That's my plan!
Posted by
orlandog ken
8:12 PM
Labels: Black Friday, Cars, Cars Haulers, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, New Releases, Oversized Pixar Cars, Pixar, Pixar Movies, Walmart, Walmart Exclusives, Where to Buy Pixar Cars
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - The Pixar Story by Leslie Iwerks
I just watched Wall•E's Disc 2 feature, "The Pixar Story" by Leslie Iwerks, and it is SUPREMELY INSPIRING! It compelled me to write this article to tell you that this one story alone, makes purchasing the Wall•E 3-DISC Special Edition a MUST!! If you've been a fan of Pixar, John Lasseter, and Steve Jobs, you'll be highly inspired by their passion and triumph in building the animation power house that produced Cars!
The piece documents everything from John's time at CalArts, to his being fired because he was ahead of his time in seeing the potential of computer animation. It endears you to Ed Catmul, who is now head of Disney/Pixar Animation. It takes you on his journey from a being a fan of animation, to working with George Lucas, to being the head of Pixar, and culminating with his position at Disney today! It shows how critical Steve Jobs was in making key entrepreneurial decisions that would move the fledgling company along, and allow the team to do what it had to in order to succeed! You see Joe Ranft and Pete Doctor, Andrew Stanton and Brad Bird, and learn more about them! You are taken through time from the shorts to Cars. It is a superb story by Leslie Iwerks that I bet you'll watch over and over again!
I've been fortunate to meet and talk to John Lasseter and Joe Ranft. I asked Pete Doctor about UP at a press conference at Comic-Con this year! I hope someday soon I'll meet Ed Catmul and Steve Jobs! Maybe get a chance to sit down and chat with Andrew Stanton and Brad Bird some time! I share a passion for what they do, and how they do it! If you want to be inspired, buy Wall•E's 3-DISC Special Edition, pop in Disc 2, and watch "The Pixar Story!!" All I could do was smile, cheer, and shed a tear of happiness for their progress and triumphant success! I hope it touches you in the same way!
Posted by
orlandog ken
11:55 PM
Labels: Cars, Cars Fans, Conventions, Disney, Mattel, New Releases, Pixar, Pixar Movies, Profiles, San Diego Comic-Con 2008, The Pixar Story, Wall E Special Edition DVD
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Maters Tall Tales "Tokyo Drift"
What do you get when you cross "The Fast And The Furious, Tokyo Drift," with "Mater's Tall Tales?" The fourth Cars Toons short, "Tokyo Drift!" In the next "Interstitial," Mater goes to Japan and becomes a great "Drifter!" I was told it is absolutely fantastic, and that the die cast toys will be equally superb!
I've already been informed that the sculpts for Mater the Fire Engine are terrific! How cool will Mater as Evil Knievel be?!! How about El Materdor?!! These all promise to be some of the best designs to be released next year!
I've yet to have the opportunity to see any of "Mater's Tall Tales." They all look to maintain the Pixar standard of quality and story! I haven't heard how many of the "Interstitials" will be done, but can't wait for them to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray! As soon as I get pics of anything, I'll be sure to post them!
Posted by
orlandog ken
11:16 PM
Labels: Cars, Cars Toons, CarsDiecastToys, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Limited Editions, Mater's Tall Tales, Mattel, New Releases, Pixar, Previews, Tokyo Drift
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Cars 1:55th Line Will Be Made With Lenticular Eyes
I've had quite a bit of news for you over the past few days. A NEW development coming next year is that the "Mainline" will eventually be made with Lenticular Eyes!If you don't know what Lenticular means, let me tell ya! Lenticular printing is a technology in which a lenticular lens is used to produce images with an illusion of depth, or the ability to change or move as the image is viewed from different angles. An example of lenticular printing includes animation effects such as winking eyes. As you see below, the image would change as you move it back and forth.
Don't expect to see the Lenticular Cars until the entire line has finished being produced with the stationery eyes. They aren't likely to show up until late Summer. They could be a cool change! We'll have to wait to look into their eyes for the answer!
Posted by
orlandog ken
2:00 PM
Labels: Cars, CarsDiecastToys, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, New Releases, Pixar, Pixar Cars with Lenticular Eyes
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Will Matty's "Plussed" Cars Be Something You'll Want?
Next year MattyCollector.com will finally release their next item on March 17, 2009. I revealed to you that it would be a 1:24th Scale Lightning McQueen "Plussed" with rubber tires, painted lug nuts, pin striping, etc. coming to you in a clear display case similar to the Sidewall Shine case. I've given some thought about this release, which I've been told will sell for $40.00 to $50.00. I'm not sure this will be a home run for Mattel, and I'll tell you why.
- First off, it is another Lightning McQueen. I'm frankly sick of Lightning McQueen. How about you?
- Second, it sets you off on collecting an entirely new sized line. It is enough to try to stay up with collecting the 1:55th Scale "Mainline!"
- Third, it ain't cheap! Paying $50.00 for a larger over done character because of added detail and a case, isn't going to blow up my skirt!
- Finally, it is a high edition size in my opinion. An edition of 10,000 of a character that has been done over, and over, is just not appealing to a collector.
I've said they should come out with a collector's version of Darth Mater! Deliver a UNIQUE version of a character such as Darth Mater and you can sell 10,000 of them! The thought of adding the same characters to my collection because of being "Plussed," simply doesn't do much for me. What do you think?

Why did Lightning Storm McQueen sell out? Because it was ORIGINAL! Why do people want the Blu-Ray Rangsberg McQueen? Because it is ORIGINAL! Why do collectors want the Red Rangsberg McQueen? Because it is EXTREMELY RARE! So, if you put out a common character, in a high quantity, at a high price, what do you think people will do?! Probably say whoopee and not give a damn!
I've been a "Collector" nearly my entire life, and what infuriates me about companies like Disney and Mattel is that they do these stupid things because of being out of touch with the collectors, being egotistical know-it-alls, foolish bureaucrats, and simply being lazy! The way to make millions is very simple, "Just listen to the collectors!"
Posted by
orlandog ken
7:30 PM
Labels: Cars, Collecting, Darth Mater, Diecast Toys, Disney, Disney Pin Trading, Limited Editions, Mattel, MattyCollector.com, New Releases, Pixar, Pixar Cars Plussed Releases, Sidewall Shine
Friday, November 14, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - MattyCollector.com Will Offer A Cars Collector's Display Case
I know that a lot of you would love to own a Display Case like this one auctioned off for the Children Affected By Aids Foundation! I certainly tried to find out how to get one and was disappointed I couldn't.
Well, you're going to get your chance to get one that will be made specially for MattyCollector.com! I don't have a release date yet, but I can tell you some tantalizing things...The case will hold a large number of Cars in the 1:55th Scale size. Since it is still in development I can't give you an exact capacity, but can say somewhere in the range of 50 to 60. It is expected to be made mostly out of plexi, as far as the finer aesthetic details, it is too soon to tell you. It is expected to sell for $300.00. Here's the incredible thing, it is expected to come with three EXCLUSIVE chase Cars! Heck! I'd drive over glass to git me sum o them! What will those three Cars will be? I don't know at this point. I can simply say that this will kick butt!
You can count on me to report on any further developments here at Alternator Valley! MattyCollector.com has been like a goofy unreliable teen, but here's hoping next year will see a more mature Matty who'll deliver some great things!
Posted by
orlandog ken
11:51 AM
Labels: Cars, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Limited Editions, Mattel, MattyCollector.com, New Releases, Pixar, Pixar Cars 1:24th Scale, Pixar Cars Display Case, Pixar Chase Cars
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Mattycollector.com To Brush Off The Dust On St. Patrick's Day '09
MattyCollector.com was launched back in July at Comic-Con 2008. Lightning Storm McQueen was the first offering and sold out immediately. I was told that the next Cars item would likely be released in October of 2008. Ok, it is now the middle of November, and in four hours I'll be off to see the latest Bond film, "Quantum of Solace!" I was told at that same Comic-Con, that the newest Bond flick would be out in November and Sony delivered! So, many, many, many collectors are not pleased that MattyCollector.com has not 1.) Delivered a New Cars item for us all to plop our dough down on! 2.) Not delivered on the promised Newsletter! 3.) Has literally had nothing in the form of updates to inform us about anything! As I read somewhere, someone would like to punch Matty in his big head! The visual alone is enough to make you chuckle!
Finally, I've got some News for you all, but it is tempered by the fact that we might as well wait for the proverbial "Slow Boat From China" before MattyCollector.com will be populated with the next release. This is good stuff! And, don't let anyone ever tell you that we bloggers aren't important disseminators of News! In many cases, we make the News! So, do you want the lowdown? Say paaalease? Who's your daddy? Ok, just gotta be a tease don't I? Here's what I found out for now...
It won't be until next year before we see New Cars items appear on MattyCollector.com. On March 17, 2009 we should expect to see the first "Plussed" Lightning McQueen done in 1:24th Scale! Back in 2006 there were two 1:24th Scale releases. One of Mater, and one of Lightning, both done in die cast. I actually saw them at the World of Disney Store, but passed on them. The NEW Plussed releases will be done in a super detailed manner! Details like painted lug nuts, detailed pin strips and rubber tires will be elements you'll see! Lightning will come in a cool display case which will allow you to see the bottom of the Car as well! This first release is expected to be a Limited Edition of 10,000. Five thousand will be exclusively released on MattyCollector.com, while the remaining five thousand will be exclusive to Toys R Us! No, I don't have a price for you yet. That wasn't able to be told to me at this point. When I learn the price, you can be certain I'll let you know.
On April 15, 2009 you can feel better after paying your taxes by spending your refund on the first 1:55th Scale "Plussed" Lightning McQueen. Same great detailing will be done...Rubber tires, painted window frames, pin stripes, and the cool display case! This release will be different in that the expected Limited Edition of 10,000 will ONLY be released on MattyCollector.com. Again, I don't have a price for you at this point. What is expected to happen after these initial releases is that we should see a NEW release about every six weeks thereafter. I have more Matty news, but will wait until tomorrow so you have to come back and visit moi!!
Posted by
orlandog ken
7:08 PM
Labels: Cars, Diecast Toys, Disney, Lightning Storm McQueen, Limited Editions, Mattel, MattyCollector.com, New Releases, Pixar, Pixar Cars 1:24th Scale, Pixar Cars Plussed Releases, Toys R Us
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Where To Buy Them When You Visit Disney World
For all of you who plan on visiting Disney World, I'm going to tell you the reality about finding Cars Die Cast Toys while in Orlando! You'd think that Disney World would have the BEST selection and latest releases, but just the opposite is true. Since Cars came out in June of 2006, Disney World has had a pathetic inventory, and has been months behind the Newest releases. Not only that, but they charge double what you'd pay at Walmart!! Got to love the management decisions at the Mouse House. Whether they have deals with Walmart, Target, Toys R Us, or whoever, we should be able to find the finest selection at Disney World. I think it is stupid that they don't meet the demand! They'll catch on and listen to us once the second movie is out and three years have past. So, where can you find Cars in Orlando while visiting Disney World? I'm going to give you a few locations with addresses where you may get lucky! Here's the list...
12100 South Apopka Vineland Road
13502 South Apopka Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32821
Get Directions(407) 827-1004
12650 International Drive South
Orlando, FL 32821
Get Directions(407) 238-4677

8990 Turkey Lake Rd
Orlando, FL 32819
Get Directions(407) 351-4142
3250 Vineland Road
Kissimmee, FL 34746
Get Directions(407) 397-1130
4311 West Vine Street
Kissimmee, FL 34746
(407) 390-1888

4750 Millenia Plaza Way
Orlando, FL 32839
Get Directions(407) 541-0020
4795 West Irlo Bronson Memorial Parkway
Kissimmee, FL 34746
Get Directions(407) 594-0030
These are locations I've been to and are close to the Disney World Resort. Again, you may find Cars at these locations, and you may not. I've never understood the lack of inventory in Orlando. As a whole, the entire area can be three months behind the Newest Release at times. It is really a matter of dumb luck if you find something highly sought after.

Have fun while at the "Happiest Place On Earth!" Hopefully, I've given you a few places that you may have some luck finding Cars for your collection. If things change or there's news about Disney Pixar Cars, you can be sure I'll tell you about it here at Alternator Valley!
Posted by
orlandog ken
10:16 AM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Cars, Cars Attractions, Cars Fans, CarsDiecastToys, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, New Releases, Pixar, Target, Toys R Us, Walmart, Where to Buy Pixar Cars
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Bubbles Delay New Inventory
As we all wait for more of the Oversized line to show up in Wal-Marts, the latest cases with Dexter Hoover and Sally with Cone, the next case with Impound Snot Rod and whoever, the reason we aren't seeing more New Cars is due to the issue I wrote about a few weeks ago. The plastic bubbles aren't staying glued to the card backs! This is supposedly being corrected, but in the meantime, New supply is scarce to non-existent due to the problem. China has to get moving and ship all the corrected cases back to the United States. That slow boat from China is making me hear Carly Simon..."Anticipation, anticipation, is makin' me late, is keepin' me waitin'!"
Posted by
orlandog ken
7:39 PM
Labels: Cars, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Distribution, Mattel, New Releases, Wal-Mart
Friday, November 7, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Trading Post Now Open!
The rules are plain and simple...We act only as a meeting place for Disney Pixar Cars die cast toy traders. We take no role as intermediaries, brokers or ANYTHING ELSE when it comes to who you choose to trade with, and the success or failure of any and all of your trades. The responsibility to decide who to trade with, who is honest, what a fair trade is, who shipped an item, how an item was shipped, and the condition of an item, lies solely upon your due diligence and decision making. We will award "Keys to the Trading Post" to people we've had a positive experience with. This DOES NOT constitute an endorsement, but as a measurement of the trader's dealings. It is still your responsibility to check the person out thoroughly and ask questions to determine your comfort level in choosing to deal with such a trader or not. This site will NOT allow selling of any kind.
To post your trade wants/needs and what you have for trade, simply click on COMMENTS at the bottom of this entry. You will pick a screen name and then enter your trade info and contact info. We currently have no way to hide your e-mail address, and take no responsibility for spam, viruses or ANYTHING ELSE that you may receive. We reserve the right to disallow use of the site for any reason we see fit, and will ban people who are problematic, fraudulent, or conduct themselves in a manner we deem disruptive.
Enjoy! Here's hoping you make some great trades!
Posted by
orlandog ken
10:08 AM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Blog, Blogging, Cars, Cars Fans, Collecting, Disney, Mattel, Pixar, Trading Post
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Just Waiting on North Dakota
Just yesterday, a reader from Delaware visited Alternator Valley! The lone state yet to have someone visit us is...North Dakota! Come on, you folks must be Cars fans! There are 640,000 of ya getting ready to freeze yer butts off and sit in snow covered homes for six months. Don't you watch family entertainment like "Cars?!" You have a lot of small towns like Radiator Springs in your vast and beautiful state. Don't you collect the delightful little die cast toys? Look at this poor old rusted out truck. He's probably itchin' for some Rusteze Bumper Ointment! There's gotta be a Cars fan from Bismark or Fargo fer cryin' out loud?!! Someone must know someone who's a Cars fan in North Dakota? Tell 'em to drop on by for a spell! We don't bite!
Posted by
orlandog ken
11:11 PM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Blog, Blogging, Cars, Cars Fans, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, North Dakota Cars Fans, Pixar
Alternator Valley Stats Show Impressive Growth!
Whether you write about Disney Pixar's Cars, pets, politics or potatoes, your objective is to gain a strong following of readers! In marking Alternator Valley's First Anniversary, I thought it would be interesting to share our statistical growth that you helped to build!First, let's talk about Page Loads...Page Loads are the number of times the site's pages have been visited. They are the more accurate manner to gauge a site's success. The old way of saying "Hits" was a deceptive measure. When a page loads, each and every element on that page is considered a "Hit," thus the pictures, words, etc. could easily log eighty hits for just one page and make for skewed stats. When someone said a site had a million "Hits," it made you think a million people visited the site. Page Loads mean that the page loaded one time when it was logged as loaded. Alternator Valley's Page Loads grew a very strong 56% over the last year!
Next up, Unique Visitors...Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visitors and first time visitors to the site; which equal all visitors. Unique visitors to Alternator Valley have grown steadily, and are strong around the globe. Alternator Valley's Unique Visitors increased a very healthy 59% in the past twelve months! New Readers keep finding the site and keep coming back to read the latest!
Finally, Returning Visitors...Based purely on a cookie ( I prefer freshly baked Toll House), this is a person who returns to the site for another visit an hour or more later. These are our most loyal and fervent followers! We all have sites we visit over and over again each day. Alternator Valley offers you much to do, and it shows that our readers are visiting frequently! Alternator Valley's Returning Visitors grew an impressive 300% in the last 365 days!
I want to extend my most sincere gratitude for your interest in Alternator Valley! I work very hard to bring you the most accurate and entertaining info I can. I'm staunchly commited to excellence and hope you genuinely like what I put forth. I can tell you that I always strive to do better, to innovate, and to stand out from the crowd! Let's see what the next year will bring. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading Alternator Valley!
Posted by
orlandog ken
9:42 PM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Anniversary, Blog, Blogging, Cars, Cars Fans, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, Pixar
Alternator Valley Celebrates First Anniversary!
Today, about this time, I launched Alternator Valley! I had run to Wal-Mart in Casselberry, Florida to buy Pixar's Cars on Blu-Ray Disk! I got my "Scoop" on the Blu-Ray Rangsberg McQueen by verifiying my detective work with the purchase (I'd suggest you read my very first article to get the whole picture). A lot of writing, running to stores, networking, and even travelling across the country to Comic-Con have happened in the last year! It has been a blast and a true passion of mine. I'm pretty pooped and going to head off to bed, but expect more later today, and in the next few days from me.
Posted by
orlandog ken
1:51 AM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Anniversary, Blog, Blogging, Blu-Ray DVD's, Blu-Ray McQueen, Cars, Cars Fans, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, Pixar, Wal-Mart
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Mater Wants YOU to "Git-R-Done!" It is Election Day! Go Vote!
Mater and I want to know if you, as an American Citizen, did your civic duty today? No, we don't want to know if you recycled your paper and plastic! Did you make your Voice Heard?! Did you cast a Vote for the future of YOUR COUNTRY? I am off to cast my vote now! We suggest you drive to your polling station and pull that lever, poke that hole, create that hanging chad, and Vote, Vote, Vote! It is Election Day in the United States of America, and you should be proud to have that privilege!!
Posted by
orlandog ken
1:25 PM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Blogging, Cars, Cars Fans, Darth Mater, Diecast Toys, Disney, Election Day 2008, Mattel, Pixar
Monday, November 3, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Three Die Cast Storylines
Did you know there are now three different storylines for Cars? That means there are technically three different directions of collecting you can take.There's the "Mainline" that consists of the Cars that hail from the 2006 film. There are approximately 100 Cars that have been released to date. They are the great die cast toys we've been chasing down for two and a half years! Cars like this just released Sally With Cone. The Over Sized line, and the soon to be released Haulers! This line of die cast toys shows no sign of slowing down. To date, this line has generated over two billion in sales!
The second group are the Cars that consist of the "Storytellers" which are basically a prequel to the first film. These are the Target Exclusives that have been in circulation for just a few weeks. They consist of some characters already released but now packaged to look like a booklet. Additionally, there are four New Characters for us to add to our collections. There's Sponsorless Lightning McQueen, Smell Swell Lightning McQueen, Retro Ramone and Wedding Day Ramone. For the first time, we also see Red, the Tractor, Rusty and Dusty Rusteze in single packs.
Finally, the recently debuted "Cars Toons" are based on the stories from the new "World of Cars" book just released at Target. These stories focus on "Mater's Tall Tails!" I've been told that the sculpts for Mater the Fire Engine and others look fantastic at Mattel's Design Studio! So, we can expect some cool Cars from these stories to be released next year! How about Mia and Tia as Fire Dogs?!! Sounds a little Ren & Stimpyish to me!
So, do you think you can keep up?! Are you building shelves to hold them all? How about commandearing the guest bedroom? What will your house look like by 2012? Last one standing wins!
Posted by
orlandog ken
12:43 AM
Labels: Cars, Cars Haulers, Cars Storytellers, Cars Toons, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mater's Tall Tales, Mattel, New Releases, Oversized Pixar Cars, Pixar, Sally with Cone
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Mack the Hauler Pulls In
"Mack the Hauler" pulled into my office recently! Lightning and Guido stopped by to greet Mack. He is smaller in size than you'd think. His package is 10-1/4 inches long by 5 inches tall. Mack is approximately 3-1/2 inches long, while his trailer is about 6 inches long. He is full of detail, a great size, and just plain cool. You are going to love Mack and the other haulers! I can't wait to get more of them! The price point will be around $13.00, and they should show up in Wal-Mart some time soon.
Posted by
orlandog ken
12:27 AM
Labels: Cars, Cars Haulers, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, New Releases, Pixar, Pixar Cars Trucks
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Disney Pixar Cars - Alternator Valley's Buffet of Features
I was talking to a friend who reads Alternator Valley, and she didn't realize the wonderful buffet of features we give you! So, sit back and I'm going to lay it all out for you. You may find something you've been looking for right here under your nose! I'm going to work from the top of the blog to the bottom.
- Once you arrive to Alternator Valley, the most recently published article will be at the top of the page with the published date.
- At the absolute top left of the page you'll see a Search Blog bar. Here you can type in your topic, I.E. Blu-Ray McQueen and any article containing that topic will appear.
- As you move down the left side, you'll see where you can Subscribe to RSS feeds.
- I put a Countdown to San Diego Comic-Con 2009 clock.
- I've assembled "Important Collector Websites" as a resource for our readers.
- I've also assembled "Phone Numbers You Need" as they are tough to find.
- I put up a daily news feed for "Disney Pixar Cars News" so you can read the latest and greatest beyond Alternator Valley!
- Our Video Bar is a cool item! You can watch Disney Pixar clips for FREE!
- A number of weeks ago, I was analyzing our traffic and was amazed at how many states and countries readers of Alternator Valley hail from. Thus, our listing of the States and Countries you all come from!
- The Blog Archive is listed by month for your exploration of past articles.
- A quick About Me with a picture of myself and John Lasseter is listed.
- All of Alternator Valley's Polls have been listed for your info gathering.
- Finally, our Checklist of Singles, Pairs, Triple Packs, Play Sets and Accessories round things out. I decided not to cover Minis as they are not Die Cast Toys. Additionally, I ONLY add to our Checklist when I am satisfied a Car has been officially put into circulation.
There you have a "Baker's Dozen" of goodies to inform, entertain and assist you in the collecting of Cars die cast toys! I hope you enjoy Alternator Valley and appreciate my passion, as I am a collector just like you!
Posted by
orlandog ken
6:00 AM
Labels: Alternator Valley, Blog, Blog Features, Cars, Collecting, Diecast Toys, Disney, Mattel, Pixar, Toys