Here's a "Special Look" at Frank in his raw metallic state! You rarely get to see this step of the die cast process, but today is your lucky day! Frank looks weird without his intimidating eyes staring down his rotating blades. Kinda looks naked doesn't he? Just a step along the way to toy immortality!
Frank is expected to be released on May 1, 2009! Now, we all know that the key word is expected! We will just have to wait and see what happens when the slow boat from China docks, unloads, and the trucks deliver him to the warehouses. The good thing...we finally get a die cast Frank!!
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Whats with the wierd Radiator Springs McQueen?
Fastlane, Very Astute! I'll answer if the man himself can't get to posting it for you, and others with eagle eyes!!
you caught my little trick. What you see is a hand painted MCQ I generated myself.
Can't really say what it is but I think my little trick worked as you spotted my plant.
That's all I can say for now as you'll see this MCQ in San Diego.
See you there.
Acura NSX
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