Saturday, May 10, 2008

Motor Speedway of the South Set - Race Day

I'm either addicted to my blog, or I just love it! Love it sounds good! I've been monitoring and visiting around the clock so I'd know what I would have to do on my trip through the Panama Canal. Well, they announced the release date! It is May 20, 2008, and should be at the usual 9 am PST. Exciting and now, a bit difficult. I'm going to personally have to try to get it by using the Internet Cafe on the ship while sailing to Panama. Hopefully, I'll get one with no problem. So, my adventure will be twice the adventure. Good luck to those who want to get one!


Anonymous said...

How do I get this set??? My son loves this, please let me know the details: how much, etc?
Please email me at:

Anonymous said...

I wrote about this in depth and if you didn't see any of my articles, you missed the chance. At this point, you'd have to buy the set on the Secondary Market such as Ebay. If you don't want to go that route, you may be able to find a seller who'd trade for something of equal value. Read my old articles and visit often as there are always new things coming out that I'll report about!