Thursday, July 10, 2008

Disney Pixar Cars Movie Trivia

I watched Cars yesterday for about my 10th time, and made some notes so I could test just how much of a fan you really are! So, let's have some fun and see how well you know the answers without watching the movie. Post them to this thread and I'll reveal the answers in a few days!

  1. What's the "Kings" real name? Answer: Strip Weathers
  2. What's the name of the track the Dinoco 400 is run at? Answer: Motor Speedway of the South
  3. How many laps are completed when Lightning blows his first tire? Answer: 399
  4. What does RSN stand for? Answer: Racing Sports Network
  5. What does Lightning Storm McQueen fire his missels at in his daydream? Answer: Spark Plug Creatures
  6. What does the license plate say on the rusted car in Lightning's Rust-eze ad? Answer: Eville
  7. What style of music is the Rust-eze jingle styled after? Answer: Polka
  8. What kind of truck does Mack make faces in while driving to California? Answer: An Oil Truck
  9. How many tickets did Harv tell Lightning he was alloted for friends for the tie-breaking race in California? Answer: 20
  10. Finally, What was the name of the song and artist that DJ played to put Mack to sleep? Answer: Songbird by Kenny G
I personally was surprised about the King question. Never even noticed it after watching the movie a number of times. So, how well do you know the answers?

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