Monday, December 8, 2008

Disney Pixar Cars - Which Car Would You Like To Get From Santa

News has been slower than a drippin' radiator! I was thinking about which ONE Car I would love to get from Santa, and there's quite a few of them. I figure a lot of you wouldn't mind seeing a number of the Cars I'll throw at you in your stocking as well!

I think I'd love to see Elvis the RV striking a pose under the tree this year! He's the one Car that is going to be hot beyond belief! I know many people who don't collect Cars who are already salivating at the thought of getting that little hunk a, hunk a, shakin' metal!!

I would certainly love to see Todd the Pizza Planet Truck peering out from the top of my stocking! This is another Car that will be very sought after. Todd has been in every Pixar film and his appearance as a die cast has been eagerly anticipated by John Lasseter! I bet John has long had a Todd prototype sitting in his office!

The one Car I've long wanted is that chubby cheeked Jay Limo! I've seen Jay's Tonight Show live many times, he's a Bostonian like moi, and he loves cars in general! His cameo was super fun and I would love to see him in some wrapping paper.

I would also really love to see the face of the white Walmart hauler pop out of a box this Merry Ex-mas! I've owned Walmart stock, spend mucho dinero there, and have to have the company hauler in my collection!

So, Which Car would you love to get from Santa? Everybody has their own favorite. We can wish can't we?!