Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Cars Toys Now Appearing in Stores!

I hit a mother load today! I came across the New Petrol Pulaski, Tar McQueen and Kathy Copter! It is the first time I've seen these three in stores. I was able to get two Tar McQueens, two Petrol Pulaski's, one Kathy Copter and one Van! I was happily shocked to find these. You should start seeing these in a Wal-Mart or Target near you.

It is always when you're not looking, that you find things. I was just taking a look like I always do when I tripped across these three! I was like an excited kid.

Tar McQueen has one splotch on his fender and is quite plain. Petrol Pulaski is on RPM's Pit Crew and makes the 7th "Pitty" released to date. Kathy Copter makes the second team member of RSN along with Kori Turbowitz who was released first. Hopefully, more new releases will be coming soon!