Friday, March 6, 2009

Disney Pixar Cars - TJ Hummer, Reporters, Pittys and Mathew McCrew Preview

I have yet to get the greenlight on any of the teasers I've posted, but here are some great previews for you to enjoy as we head into the weekend! They just came in at the last minute today! Enjoy and drool over this big green guy...

TJ looks worried that Sarge is going to showup!

Keep your eyes front and center soldier!

Ready! Forward drive in double time!

Yeah! I work alone! Get my left bumper, Kachow!

I used to cover Comic-Con, now I get these crazy racers!

Dash Boardman never misses a shot!
Where are the Dinoco Showgirls?!

Anything for my fans! Kachow!!

Houser Boon coined the now famous phrase,
"Show us the bolt!"

Mathew "True Blue" McCrew for you to view!

Mater the Greater's Stunt Pittys waiting to blow him up!

TJ Hummer will now be released in the Mega Sized. He'll look very cool and have much more detail! We get a nice look at two of the photographers...Dash Boardman and Houser Boon carrying their cute cameras! Mia and Tia have quite the rival in Mathew "True Blue" McCrew. His entire house is painted in the "King's" color of blue! Finally, we see the Pittys from Mater the Greater! You have to love the buck teeth!! A special thanks to Martin Arriola, as he shot these and zipped them off to me from the Mattel Design Studio.

Super stuff is coming next week!

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