Monday, May 5, 2008

Looks Like Pegs Will Stay Very Warm

I was in the Walmart I frequent a few days ago and spoke to the Toy Department manager Annette. I asked her if she knew when newer cases of the die cast toys would start filling her shelves. She told me that until she sells through the cases of old stuff she has, that we wouldn't see anything new. So, depending on how well the "Peg Warmers" sell in your area, will give you some indication of how long you'll be waiting for new releases to appear.

I've still never seen Flea and Flick in a store, nor have I come across a Chuki. I have only found Mia and Tia in red once, as well as Tow only once. I have only seen Dudley Spare once and his packaging was damaged.

Mattel needs to keep the flow of New Releases coming. The last four to five months have seen collectors getting itchy for New Characters. There's been very little to get excited about. People lose interest very quickly when they get frustrated or bored.

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