Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Disney Pixar Cars - I'll Be Twittering Live At The Kmart Cars Event On 10/18/08

Great minds do think alike! My friend who publishes Take5aday has been playing with Twitter and wants to "Tweat" Live as we're at the Kmart Cars Event this Saturday, October 18th. I've been messing with it for a few weeks and attempted to embed a widget on Alternator Valley, but encountered some bugs. That doesn't mean we can't use it for Live feeds from the Kmart event.

If you have yet to hear about
Twitter, it is what is called a "Micro-Blogging" site. Basically, you setup a Free account and can type 140 character "What are you doings" directly from the site, or text message updates from your cell phone to your profile. I thought it was stupid as hell! Twitter even says it seems stupid in their video intro. Why would I care what a friend is doing at any time, especially if it is mundane!

BUT, in the case of being at a LIVE event, such as the Kmart thing this weekend, it can be very useful indeed!

What my friend at Take5aday and I intend to do is to give our readers Live updates by the minute about the crowd, the number of cases the store we're in received, how the event is being conducted, what we got, and more! This will help you adjust your strategy and be better prepared to get what you want. I'll be starting the day since I'm on the East Coast in Florida. If you wish to be part of this Live Feed, I'd strongly suggest you get your account setup with Twitter ASAP. Don't wait until Saturday morning. You can "Follow" me by searching for my Twitter Id which is orlandogken. You'll click follow and then can read my updates Live. Good Luck on Saturday!

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